JWAAD Summer School (in English)

Publié le par Bellydeluxe Von Glitz

    Another year in Tring, sunnier and warmer than last year. I had taken several jumpers and scarves but they all stayed in my suitcase ! This year, I was an angel which allowed me to meet everybody (about 80 over the week) and sort out minor problems. As I was also booked to teach classes and assess trainee teachers on the Teacher Training Course, I didn't have much time left to take classes as a student. I managed to dance with the musicians who played a wonderful taqsim for me and also attend Jo's Individual Development class where we had to improvise in groups of 3 in front of each other and were given feedback by Jo and the other teachers who took part in this class. A unique opportunity to get a couple of advice to work on since I don't have a regular teacher in Paris (lack of time mainly). The two highlights of the week for me were the Wednesday Show which was varied and rather a high level. This year for the fisrt time in 19th year, we also had  a technician who provided us with good lighting. The theatre we normally use is becoming  a public one and they have invested thousands of pounds worth in the latest sound and light gadgets... the drawback is we can't do it ourselves in the box anymore...The show included Saidi, Baladi, Classical and Modern Oriental, Fusion, Burlesque, Contemporary. I particularly liked Mihrimah and her peacock dance, Yvette and her Melaya-Charleston number and her highness Kismet on her way back to winning all the Bellydance Contests The group dances were also ace ! (Jan's Candle dance and Sandy's cowboy dance ) not forgetting Margaret, Kay, Shona and of course Jo. A special "bravo" to Kristl who looked astonishing !
    Thursday evening Fancy Dress Party was the other ultimate moment : everybody looked amazing (considering you only had a couple of day to come up with an idea and a costume !!!), the atmosphere was merry and the "show" worth  a look. Being part of the Angels allowed me to learn Gwen's unique choreography which we danced twice as major members of the audiance were missing the first time we performed it !!! We practiced all week, hidden away, with our heels and fringed dresses. Oh yes, I forgot to say that the theme was "1920s flappers" I bought a black wig for the occasion which gave me a kind of Louise Brooks' look. I also took part in a sureal silent movie which I cannot relate for reasons that the audience will remember and Gwen and Christine also performed unexpected solos.

        Who's that girl ?                                         Margaret, Yvette and Jo

    I would say as a conclusion that next year is  a must as the Summer School will be celebrating its 20th anniversary.

    Thanks again to the organisers and the students who came to my classes, performed on stage and did really well at the sagat classes !

           Gwen and the Angels                                        Me and Mihrimah
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Réponse éclair! Ca fait drôlement plaisir! Je dois dire que ça fait longtemps que je cherche des blogs comme le tien, qui raconte l'expérience d'une vie et pas seulement les envies d'une débutante au jour le jour (comme le mien tiens! ah). Ici, on voit une histoire qui se déroule devant nos yeux, ta vie, tes expériences, ton ascension dans le monde de la danse. c'est passionnant à lire! Mais c'est dommage, il n'y a pas beaucoup de pro qui racontent leur évolution depuis leur début, comment ont-elles réussi comme danseuses?<br /> Bref, merci. Je reviens toujours ici, ça me motive.<br /> A bientot. Sonia
<br /> Eh bien je te retourne le compliment et pour te remercier, j'ai écrit la suite de mes aventures !!!<br /> N'hasite pas à me faire part de tes commentaires !<br /> xxx<br /> <br /> <br />
Bonjour Bellydeluxe,<br /> <br /> J'ai lu et relu ton blog... c'est bien écrit, et ça donne envie de participer à cette summer school! Le niveau a l'air élevé, est-ce que les petites débutantes de 2 ans de danse peuvent y participer?<br /> Merci, à bientôt<br /> Sonia
<br /> Merci pour les gentils commentaires !<br /> Pour ce qui est du niveau, il y a chaque jour des cours à des niveaux différents pour que toutes y trouvent leur compte donc, oui même avec 2-3 ans de danse, c'est possible !<br /> <br /> A bientôt peut-être<br /> Raphaëlle xxx<br /> <br /> <br />